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The White Green House

Our first greenhouse is up and running. Mike threw this beauty together in record timing, he is quite the carpenter! The pouring rain put up a good fight but Mike prevailed. Having a home for our produce is very important, mainly because of the mass amount of rain and insects. We have just a few plants started […]

Maku’u farmers market Dec. 6th

We returned to the Maku’u farmers market today. I saw a add on Craig’s list a week ago stating that a farmer who lives in Ocean View (about 1-1/2 hrs away) would be at the market this Sunday selling dragon fruit and plants. This farmers market is quickly becoming my favorite. The prices are the […]

What will grow next?

We’ve been so busy with building the Ohana house that we really haven’t spent much time working on any gardening.  One of our main goals is to farm as much of our own fruits and vegetables as possible.  Obviously this will take years to fully establish and its a very slow yet rewording process.  We […]